Bone Cancer Treatment in India

Bone Cancer refers to a group of cancers that originate in the bones. The presence of cancer cells in bone tissue can damage the surrounding healthy bone. The classification of bone cancer is based on the specific type of cell and tissue where the cancer originates. Primary bone cancers arise directly within the bone. In contrast, secondary or metastatic bone cancers occur when tumors from other organs or body parts spread to the bones. The most frequent sources of metastasis to the bones include tumors from the breast, prostate, and lungs. Bone cancer is rare. The majority of bone tumors are benign, indicating that they are not cancerous and do not metastasize to other parts of the body. However, these tumors can still compromise bone strength, potentially resulting in fractures or other complications.

Types of Bone Cancer:

Bone Cancer Treatments:

Doctors recommend several treatments for bone cancer including chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, along with medications. The approach may involve a combination of these methods or focus on one at a time, depending on the patient's condition.

Surgery : Surgery is the primary treatment advised. The surgeon and their team aim to remove the tumour cells while while preserving as much surrounding tissue as possible.

Chemotherapy : This treatment is often chosen for patients which makes use of drugs for destroying the cancer cells. It may be used as an initial treatment alongside radiotherapy. While it may not completely eliminate the cancer, it can help shrink it or prevent it from spreading.

Radiotherapy : This treatment uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells, preventing them from growing or multiplying. Radiotherapy is used when surgery is not an option or after surgery if any tumour cells remain. It specifically targets the cancer cells without affecting other parts of the body.

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