Stomach Cancer Treatment in India

Stomach Cancer also called gastric cancer is one of the major cancer diseases bearing in mind statistics on cancer patients, gastro intestinal cancer is a term which enlists a number of types of cancers causing problems in the digestive system of an individual. Esophagus, Gallbladder, Liver, Pancreas, Stomach and the bowel are the areas usually affected in case of gastro intestinal cancer. Gastric cancer can spread to adjacent lymph nodes, and it can grow through the stomach wall to invade nearby organs such as the colon, pancreas, spleen and liver. After growing through the wall of the stomach, this cancer can also spread to the inner lining of the abdomen, the peritoneum and other organs within the abdominal cavity, such as ovaries. In addition, it can spread through the bloodstream to involve the lungs or more-distant organs.



Treatment for stomach cancer varies based on the cancer's stage, location, and the patient's overall health. The primary treatment modalities include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.

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